Electric losses balancing through integrated storage and power electronics towards increased synergy between railways and electricity distribution networks
to reduce electricity losses
in both the power distribution
network and the light railway network
An innovative Railway to Grid Management system
A real time analysis of energy losses to
optimize the interexchange of electricity
between railways and electricity distribution networks
The University of Newcastle, together with the joint collaborative work of the...
E-LOBSTER coordinators
A couple of opinions about the project
Giannicola Loriga - RINA
Project coordinator
“We are really proud to coordinate such an ambitious project providing efficient technologies and services for advanced power electronics, energy storage and energy management for both distribution and smart grids and electrified transport networks. The project will have a relevant impact on the growth of the participating organisations able to deliver adequate competitive products and services on the market in four/five years after the end of the project”
Dr Pietro Tricoli - University of Birmingham
Technical coordinator
“I am delighted to be the technical coordinator of this research project that will use power electronics and energy storage as key technologies to deliver a major step forward for the management of energy exchange between power distribution grids and electric railways. The team includes excellent partners from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Spain and the UK with a broad range of technical expertise and I am looking forward to work with them to deliver this pioneering project”